Thursday, June 25, 2009

The King of Pop is dead, God save the Queen!

To be honest, I am not shocked that Michael Jackson died today.

To me, he kinda died a long time ago.

Don't get me wrong, love him or hate him, his contribution to the world of music is beyond amazing and definitely deserves recognition. He was a brilliant musician, an outstanding performer, and a phenomenal dancer.

But come on, with his history, who knows what type of life he was leading behind closed doors.

And I'm not necessarily talking about possible drugs he might have indulged with, I'm talking about what he did to his body is unnatural and therefore, he sort of killed himself back in the 80's when he started all of his body modications.

Just my opinion.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


A friend of mine send me a birthday card. I see this lovely woman only a few times a year, but we spent four gorgeous months in London together four years ago (has it been that long? le sigh).

Inside the card, the first thing she wrote was "I just adore you."

The word adore stood out.


I love practically everything in my life (except shaving... Lord how I hate shaving...) and in my opinion, it is easy to love.

I think adoration is up a few levels from love, and thus her card meant that much more to me.

Funny how a simple word can change everything.

I can list off a plethora of things I love: Chocolate. Traveling. Music. Friends. Family. Reading. Buying things for a house I don't have. Wine.

I don't think I can tell you what I adore though, not from the top of my head at least.

Hmm, a thought to ponder I suppose as I sit here consumed by insomnia.

But I will save that for another post.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A call to volunteer

Although I feel like I will never fully understand politics (that's pretty much asking for a life-long migraine. No thanks), I do poke my nose in and out of the scene to see what is going on.

I found Obama's recent call for every American to volunteer in their own community very interesting.

Do you history buffs know of any other president that did this?

It's programs like these that make me like Obama. He's meeting with millions of people in other countries, making appearances and speeches, trying to figure out how to save the auto industry, cracking down on banks, and essentially trying to fix the economy... and then he pulls a program like this for Americans.

Starting June 22, the Obama Administration is launching a "United We Serve" initiative. A call for every American, young and old, from every background, to go out in their community and volunteer.

And it's about time Americans themselves look inward if they want this "change" they keep raving about to happen.

Check it out at here. You can search for groups to volunteer at, or you can register your own.

How awesome would America be if EVERYONE did volunteer somewhere?

I have been meaning to volunteer somewhere for a while now, and I just don't kick my own ass enough to do it. I think I shall sign up somewhere by June 22 and finally do it.

And then I can say Obama was the one to kick my lazy ass out of my seat and volunteer!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I survived

No jury duty for me!

I survived a week without getting called in!

So all those time I didn't show up was worth it. I got lucky enough not to be called in this week!


Time to party party!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jury Duty

I have been lucky enough to avoid Jury Duty for the past... oh... 5 years.

Every time I received my summons in Orange County, I would reply telling them I lived in L.A. County.

Every time I received my summons in Castaic, I told them I was in Irvine for school.

I also happened to avoid it while I was abroad.

And yet, after 5 years, Jury Duty has finally caught up, and I no longer can escape the wrath of early morning commutes to serve as a judger for some poor hapless soul(s).

I was initially supposed to serve a week in April. But I postponed it thinking I was going to Kern County that week to train to be a white water raft guide. (I unfortunately didn't, but I had no jury duty so it was okay.)

I postponed it to only a few weeks later, thinking I should just get it out of the way.

The week arrives. I call that Sunday night to see if I have to come in the morning.

"You do not have to report for service tomorrow morning," the nice automated lady told me, God bless her.

I did this until Wednesday night. Didn't have to come in Monday-Thursday. I end up going out Thursday night, most likely getting a little toasty, and passed out without calling.

I wake up and for whatever reason, am reminded of jury duty. It's 9 a.m. and I call to check if I had to come in, wishfully thinking I probably didn't have to since I didn't have to all week.

"You were supposed to report for duty this morning at 8:30 a.m."


"Please stay on the line as we connect you so you can reschedule your service."

I tell the dude to just give me jury duty for the following week. Again. I just want to get this out of the way.

Sunday rolls around and I totally forget to call until Monday morning.

"You were supposed to report for duty this morning at 8:30 a.m."

Fuck! On a Monday!

Again I reschedule for the following week. I want to get it out of the way. At this point, jury duty is such a pain in the ass, robbing me of my weeks of being a delinquent and drinking my liver away.

I remember to call Sunday and Monday, but forget to call Tuesday night.

I think you know where this is going...

"You were supposed to report for duty this morning at 8:30 a.m."

Fuck. My. Ass. Sideways.

I'm on the phone with the dude trying to reschedule, and I tell him that I'm super cluster-fucked with school and work in the evening that I continuously forget to call. I ask if I can postpone my service to mid-June, after school is out and life is a little less hectic.

He complied with no problems and told me he would send me a new form with the date and everything, blah blah blah.

To make a short story long (as I just did), I have jury duty this week, and so far, I haven't had to report. That leaves Friday.

I was good this time. I set an alarm on my phone everyday for 5 p.m., prompting me to call and check if I have to report the following morning.

Clearly, it worked.

I hope that I don't have to report on Friday, and that I will have this Jury Duty hell over with.

At the same time, I do want to experience the whole jury duty aspect and see what it's all about.

Then again, if I land a murder case where I have to serve for months at a time, I will be a sad panda.

Anyway, I'm going out to Springbok tomorrow night. Karaoke night.

I hope my alarm works, that I am sober enough to hear my phone, and coordinated enough to call and check.

Reminders are welcome, and greatly appreciated.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I've been a UCI alumni for a year now.

What have I done since my college years as an anteater? Not as much as I wanted to accomplish, but let's reflect:

I worked as a Technical Writer for an electrical engineering company in Glendale when I graduated. Learned nothing, for the most part, and ate a lot of sushi for free.

Worked out a lot right after college. Just recently getting back into the swing of working out consistently and eating healthy. Yet, although I feel like I've toned up a bit, I actually weigh more than I did this time last year. (sad face)

Got hired as a copy editor/features writer for a local paper.

To go along with the previous, I'm a published writer!

Slept on a couch since moving back home. No room. No privacy. No "personal escape."

Drank a lot of alcohol.

Smoked a lot of cigarettes.

Climbed Mt. Whitney.

Reconnected with people from high school.

Continued my education at College of the Canyons.

Went to Mexico for a week on a cruise.

Advanced on the guitar, but have yet to write a song.

Improved as a snowboarder.

Lived paycheck to paycheck.

Found a potential career path.

Was left disappointed by cupid some more.

Drank a lot of alcohol.

Got a tattoo.

Ah yes... some good... some disappointing...

In the end I will look back at this year as being a good one, cause I tend to reminisce about the good things and forget about the bad... so *shrugs* WHATEVER!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bleeding cunts

As I sit here in absolute, breath-robbing pain, I felt compelled to share how awesome women are to go through hell once a month (if you're regular!) and still be compassionate, amazing, and loving creatures.

Most people shy away from talking about periods, and I don't understand why there is such a negative stigma to it. Even women themselves don't like talking about their bleeding cunts, and I don't understand why.

First off, it's natural. Every woman bleeds. Your mom. Your sister. Your gramma. Your aunt. Your girlfriend or wife.

If anything, it should be talked about more.

Men should learn about it so they can understand the hell we women have to endure, depending on the period.

We are such complicated creatures... sometimes our hormones take complete control and we are often left dumbfounded at how our bleeding cunts effect us.

Well, at least I do.

Even now, I'm 24 (ew) and every period is different.

I think the focus of the distaste for talking about periods is the blood, which is understandable. But people shouldn't think in those terms.

We should start thinking in terms of Period = hormonal roller coaster.

The older I get, the more I experience PMS (which makes sense since it's apparently one of the risk factors...)

PMS. That's an actual medical condition. Premenstrual syndrome. A fucked up condition that is different for every woman and effects pretty much your entire existence.

I practically cried the other day at work because I couldn't figure out how to layout the front page. Nothing was going my way and I kept hitting wall after wall. My eyes swelled up and I was on the verge of tears. OVER WHAT? A stupid layout! Really?

I am the Queen of Mood Swings. I don't understand how some people deal with my ass. But then again, if they knew I was PMSing, maybe they would understand instead of viewing me as a psycho.

Ughh.... I need to go curl up in a ball and pray to God to give me strength to get through this day.

And hopefully I won't OD on pain killers. I've already taken Midol and Tylenol and I don't think they are working...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dustin's pad

I'm apartment (studio, really) sitting for a friend of mine who is in Europe right now. I moved in Monday, despite the fact that Dustin left on Saturday. I had bidness to take care of.

Dustin has seriously blessed me with 2 weeks of a much needed "re-centering" period. He lives in a beautiful little studio in Bridgeport in Valencia, literally down the street from where I work and go to the gym.

Since I am temporarily living in Valencia for two weeks, I've decided to take advantage and ride my bike everywhere.

I rode my bike to work for the first time yesterday. It only took me 20 min to get there! And I rode with my work clothes. Including my 3-inch heels. Hoo-ah.

Riding back home at night was even pleasant. Valencia is so quiet. It was a peaceful ride back, allowing me to focus my thoughts.

I've only been at Dustin's for a few days, and I have already accomplished so much. Who knew living by yourself is so damn productive? I've never had a place I can call my own, expect my last year in college when I had a room to myself in a dorm room ... but that hardly counts since I didn't have a kitchen, living room, balcony, etc.

I can seriously go on and on about this, but I won't. I'm just having a ball spending a lot of time with my favorite person, me.

Took a very important test on Monday. A test that essentially is the first step in a series of steps directing me to a whole new life. I'll give proper details in 6 weeks when I find out if I passed or not.

Turned 24 a week ago or so. Still young!

In other good news, I'm no longer writing for the faith section of the paper. I'm back on features, which is much preferred! If it wasn't for my co-workers, I would really hate my job.

Other than that, I'm enjoying the start of my summer by working out, eating right, reading, playing guitar, and spending countless hours in from of my computer reading all the blogs that I subscribe to.