Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yoga first, 4-mile run second

I did it. I fucking did it. I ran 4 miles. I've never ran 4 miles in my life. The entire time I felt sick and I got crampy... but I manipulated my body and told it to suck it up! I ran 4 miles, non stop.

Needless to day, I am super proud of myself.

Before the run, I decided to go to the yoga class at LA Fitness.. I figured it would be a great way to warm up. Plus I used to do yoga every week and I haven't been a LONG time.

Whoa. Yoga fucking kicked my ass.

The last time I did legitimate yoga was in November when I was doing Vozdu. After the company started charging $25 a class, I stopped going.

Going to yoga last night reminded me of how much I love and missed it. I felt like shit cause I lost a lot of upper body strength and couldn't do some of the poses as well as I used to. I used to be able to hold myself up during plank no problem... last night I was dropping to the ground and resting. :( Not okay.

But it is okay in the end. I will fix it. Last night's yoga class just motivated me to get back into it. And apparently, according to a couple of women, I didn't do so bad.

At the end of the class, the lady next to me asked how long have I been practicing yoga.

"Your transitions were so smooth and graceful. You were great!" she said to me.

I was taken aback. I told her that I haven't done yoga in 8 months and that her words were a huge compliment. She laughed and said that when she couldn't see the teacher, she just watched me because I was so good. I bashfully laughed and thanked her again, saying that I feel out of shape and I used to be much better.

The Yoga instructor, Kim (who is beyond fabulous, btw) came up to me and complimented me too! WHAT THE FUCK?

I think the compliments helped me finish the 4 mile run later. Every time I felt like quitting, I thought of the women's compliments and they pumped me up.

I also thought of Nate and the encouraging words he said to me before the run.

That's a lie. I really thought of kicking his ass on the Nike+plus website. :)


Rob said...

Congrats! BTW, have you stuck with kicking the smokes? Keep it up and don't be a stranger :)

Jamie said...

Congrats, Love!