Thursday, August 5, 2010

We as humans

We as humans have achieved many great milestones in the name of technological advancements.

None far greater than the destruction of our own earth.

Aside from the ability to travel on all terrains, on water or in the air; aside from towering skycrapers; aside from thousands upon thousands of endless miles of roads; aside from fast food, smart phones and video games; aside from the world wide web, credit cards and Monday Night Football - aside from all of that, we've inadvertantly have created a hole in our o-zone from our means of travel, concrete and steel towers where fields once ran, roads to take our pollution transporters from one place to another, and mass production of controversal lyrical content spurring battles between humans.

On a global level: propoganda to keep the herds with their respective shepherds, instant access to private and sensitive information on all levels and 30-second slots to be sold off for millions of dollars.

I love our luxuries and the comforts provided by advancements, but these luxuries that are held on high are the creators of disease, social stratification, civil and world wars, the threat of nuclear winter, depletion of forests, poisoned waters and dirty air.

All this destruction from what we call good.

It makes me sad.


Jamie said...

Don't worry, we're like a pest on Earth's skin. We've given her a rash and left our feces on her surface. Soon enough she'll get sick of us and flick us off. Earth will live long after us and any damage we could do :)

Jamie said...