Saturday, November 6, 2010

Graphic design project two: Fight Global Warming

My second project for my graphic design I class required us to create "Fight Global Warming" postcards as if we were hired by the company Ad Council. We had to create a campaign look and keep it consistent throughout all the cards.

In addition, we had to take the photos ourselves (or get stock photos) and create a logo only including only type. This project exposed students to Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

The idea was that these cards would be sent out at different times, so viewers had to recognize it when it came in the mail.

I was shocked as to see how many people did not follow instructions. I am not THAT much older than these students, so I really don't understand how they fail to read the assignment and follow directions.

In fact,  I actually lost the sheet of paper with all the instructions and was performing everything from what I remember discussing in class.

Several students didn't  keep their postcards consistent. In fact, I think there were only 3 students who did. Everyone else made each card have its own look.


In addition to incompetency, most of my classmates lack creativity. Most everyone did something you would typically see when you hear the words "Fight Global Warming:" flowers or trees (to promote planting and nature), recyclyables, smoke stacks, traffic, melting snow, worlds/globes, more nature shots, etc.

I was the last one to get critiqued in class and at first, people looked at it with confused eyes. Then suddenly, it clicked.

I was the class favorite (toot! toot!) The professor had nothing but good things to say about my work, and I had several classmates approach me after class and tell me mine was their favorite.

Here is my campaign. Feel free to let me know what you think.


Jamie said...

Oh my gorsh, VERY creative. That's sooo awesome and very professional-looking. I'm ready to hire you now! :D

Oleñka said...

HA! Thanks Jamie! You are making me blush.