It’s that time of year again: for a year in review, 2010 style.
I feel like I say this every year: “I can’t believe its the new year.” But this year I especially feel it. I never got used to writing the year 2010 whenever I wrote a check. And now I have to write 2011? Balls.
I typically write my reviews while looking back at my google calendar since I am a maniac and write everything down, but since I am currently sitting by the fire in my family’s new cabin in Mammoth with slow/limited internet, I shall review 2010 from memory.
I already addressed this in a previous post, but my new year’s resolution for 2010 was to essentially, “Update my life.” One aspect of this goal was to keep up with technology and not end up like my mother who just learned how to text and still has a hard time putting a DVD in. I got a smart phone in February (how did I ever function without it?) and I got rid of my PC in June and replaced him with a Mac (changed my life). I also subscribed to two newsletters that updates me on current technology and whatnot. I want to continue being informed so I don’t end up left behind.
Another aspect was to play catch up on pop culture. One of my goals was to watch a new movie a week. I made a list a couple of weeks ago that had 44 movies. I wanted to post the list, but I lost it and I can’t remember them all now. #fail. Maybe I’ll reach 52 in 2011. Close, but no cigar!
I was promoted to Special Sections Editor in February. I never thought I would enjoy my job as much as I do. I feel blessed to be working so close to home in a community that I’ve learned to thoroughly enjoy -- quirks and all. My job is overwhelmingly rewarding and I hope my time at The Signal will take me to bigger and better things one day. But for now, given some uncontrollable circumstances, I’m grateful to work where I work.
And of course, who doesn’t like to be recognized for his/her hard work? One of the highlights of 2010 was being recognized as one of Santa Clarita Valley’s Forty Under 40.
I wrote a blog about this as well, but 2010 was the year I declared another major: Graphic Design. I’ve only completed one semester so far, but I enjoy it immensely and look forward to learning more. I don’t plan on making a career out of it, but I really think it will make me a better candidate for future jobs in the print world. I also happen to enjoy the shit out of designing. Just another creative outlet for a creative person.
I went on all the same camping trips I went on last year, mostly with the same people. Bad Bear, Hot Dogs and Whiskey, and Mono were all a success. Can’t wait to do them again next year.
One thing I didn’t do a lot in 2010 was hike. I didn’t take one overnight hiking trip. Sad panda. I hiked a bit around Santa Clarita, but those are now so familiar that they aren’t a big deal to me. My goal for 2011 is to hike more, which I will have to anyway in order to train for the John Muir Trail that I plan on taking on in August.
I never enjoyed running. I still don’t, really.... but I love the thought of running. While I’m running, all I think about is when I get to stop... but once I stop, I feel accomplished and I look forward to conquering my next run. I ran four 5k’s in 2010. My goal for 2011 is to run a 10K and then eventually a half marathon. If I’m still in Santa Clarita, then I plan to run the half marathon in November.
My brother also bet me $500 that I wouldn’t finish a trialthon in a given amount of time. So I’ll be training for that in 2011.
I’ve learned a lot about myself in 2010. I’ll spare the details, but I faced a lot of hard truths this year, particularly the last couple of months. As hard as it is to realize one’s own faults, I’m excited to learn from my mistakes and improve current friendships/relationships and create better, more fulfilling ones in the future.
I lost a few friends in 2010, but it is for the best and I don’t regret anything. Life is too short to be fake with people you don’t need/want in your life, so I did something I have never done before: cut em out. I believe everyone I have encountered in my life serve some sort of purpose. Once that purpose is fulfilled, it’s time to let go.
I am blessed to be surrounded by so many people who are loving, caring, genuine and real, and it is with these people I will continue to converse and associate myself with. I run in a lot of different circles, but each one is special to me and I don’t ever plan on losing any of them. Despite me lacking a “best friend,” I have plenty of people who always catch me when I fall, and for that I am ever grateful. You know who you are.
In December, my older brother moved out, freeing up the room I had when I went to high school. After 2.5 years of living out of a make-shift room in the living room and sleeping on the couch, I finally have a personal space again. I know 2011 is already going to be spectacular year cause I now have a place to escape to. I am excessively excited to have my own room again.
I got a new, used car. Jupiter Optimus Maximus (my convertible) has been falling apart for the last 2 years, and I finally have had enough... and I think my parents felt really bad for me and my car woes. So come January 3, I will be driving another, newer SAAB. At first I wanted to buy a Subaru Forester, but after much thought, I’ve decided to not invest in a vehicle just yet. The new car is beautiful, and I look forward to not looking like as shlup anymore in my ride.
Other highlights
-Sandwich Trains
-Being introduced to Langer’s and Intelligentsia
-Two John Butler Trio concerts!
-Trivia Nights
-Chicago Trip with my family
-Recording my music
-Bay to Breakers in May
-Wearing my pink tutu in Mammoth
-Experiencing June Mountain for the first time
Overall, 2010 was a good year. But I know 2011 will be better.
Here’s to the future, which I know is going to be great!
Love this. I have been thinking about what to write and I cant even begin to figure out 2010. It was very.
BAY TO BREAKERS!!!!! We have to do it again in 2011. Tutus and all.
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