It's really upsetting to look at the world today, in the year 2009, and see how money driven it really is.
Remember as a child, we heard stories of the future and how it would include robots and flying cars and shit?
Well, fuck the flying cars...
Where are the electric cars?
Where are the eco-friendly machines, not using gas and polluting the air we breathe?
The first electric car was made in the 1830s. The fucking eighteen-thirties!
My mom and were talking about how ridiculous the vast majority of cars out there are still using gas. At this point, wouldn't you think at least, AT LEAST, 50% of cars should be electric ones?
She also mentioned something I wasn't aware of. She spoke of some sort of movie that documented what apparently happened in the early 1990s. I am paraphrasing here, so I might get some of this wrong, but she mentioned a lot of electric cars were made and released, but because they would essentially ruin the gas companies, someone worked out a deal where all electric cars were to be bought back from satisfied consumers (and apparently people who bought these cars absolutely loved them) and destroyed.
What. the. fuck.
Thanks to Google and a bit of research (aka typing in 'electric cars'), there is a documentary out there called "Who killed the electric car?" I don't know if it's the same one my mom was talking about, but whatever.
Hmmm. Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow?
In the meantime, I'm going to bed. I can't seem to get myself to fall asleep until 2 am, and not only is it unhealthy... I'm getting annoyed by it.
I need help.
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