Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life is funny. People are funny.

I hate competition.

I don't care for it. It makes me feel like an awkward turtle.

That's why sports don't really interest me. I always feel bad for the losing team.

As soon as I feel someone is competing with me, I usually lose on purpose. I'd rather be the loser so that the true loser feels good about themselves.

And it's not like I'm being noble, either. I'm being apathetic.

I also know my self-worth, and I don't need to win a competition to make me feel "good" or "better" or "awesome." I already feel good. I know I'm better. And, I'm super awesome.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the significance in competition. I understand it could be healthy is certain ways. It could push you to be the best you can be, especially if you're competing against someone/something you don't like.

What I don't understand is why you have to compare yourself to someone close, someone you call a friend, in order to make a goal for yourself.

Shouldn't you be making goals for your own self gratification?

Does it really bring so much pleasure to be "better" than a friend? Is that person really a friend if you're competing with them?

Life is funny. People are funny.

And by funny I mean fucked up.

And another thing, why do you care so much about the opinion of others?

I think you are scared of being labeled selfish. Why? It's not a bad thing.

I think you're also scared of not being accepted, and hence look to others for approval.

A friend of mine the other day had a bit of a dilemma and asked me for advice.

She has a tattoo. Her friends think it's awesome. Her girlfriend absolutely hates it. The opportunity to get some ink done (for cheap) presented itself, and my friend didn't know what to do.

That's all she told me.

The first thing that popped into my head was the fact that she didn't mention her own opinion of her tattoo. Did she like it? Did she hate it? (I still have no idea.)

I told her she shouldn't care what other people thought. It's her body. Her tattoo. I also told her that getting work done just because it's cheap isn't a good idea, but that's just my opinion (of which she could discard if she so chooses).

I just find it funny that most people make their decisions solely based off of the opinions of others.

Know yourself. Know what you want, and go for it. Listen to the opinions of others to get a new perspective, but don't let them solely dictate your actions.

And most importantly, be heppy. God is the only one who'll judge you in the end. Fuck everyone else in the meantime.


Stevie said...

I totally know what you mean about giving up on purpose! I've totally done that. I guess that makes me an awkward turtle, too.

-- Grace said...

Let's promise not to compete with each other, Leksus. We're better as a team. Love you!