Saturday, March 7, 2009

Family dinners are the best

I went home on my dinner break from work to eat with my entire family.

All of our schedules are different so we rarely sit together at a meal anymore. I came home excited to eat a hearty, delicious, home-cooked meal and to spend time with my family, particularly my dad and my older brother.

Tata is transitioning to be a full time truck driver, so I only see him a few times a week if we're both home at the moment.

And Mickey works in the morning and I work in the evening so we rarely see one another either.

I walk through the door and Mickey and Tata are putting the food on the table. Perfect timing. We sit and eat (halibut, shrimp, steamed veggies, and potatoes...yum!) and we're having a fun conversation, laughing and making fun of one another and other people.

And then I open my mouth and say something about hippies, and how I want to be one, and while Mickey and Matthew are just laughing at me calling me the furthest thing away from hippies since I shower, avoid smoking pot, wear shoes and don't drive a VW bus, my dad gets all political blaming what is happening now on the hippie movement.

Exqueeze me? A baking powder?

The entire mood is killed, and the convo turns political.

I don't mind talking politics, as long as it's with open minded, non-judemental, and logical people.

It just so happens my parents, specifically my mother, are none of those things.

I drift off and stop paying attention (because there's no winning with them) and start cleaning up the dishes. Matt quickly joins me and we escape the convo.

I just think its funny. Being all together... all five of us.... doesn't happen often, and instead of enjoying the company, it turns into a heated debate.

God I sure do love living at home!

1 comment:

Rob said...

hehe, my pops is guilty of the same exact thing. Every family gathering has to be about resolving "important" family issues. I found a way to deal with it, but that's only because I'm not under scrutiny like my bros. Good job on steering the conversation away. We just end up arguing.