Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Oatmeal

I hate oatmeal from Starbucks for the first time this morning... and it was flippin' delicious!

But that's not the point of this post.

I wanted to share this site from TheOatmeal.com.

I literally was crying at work from trying to contain my laughter. Hilarious.


I don't consider myself a shy person, and I typically have no problem talking about myself or showing off my talents... whether they are through speaking, writing, designing, or photography.

My music is a completely different story.

I don't know why exactly. It could have to do with the fact that music is so dear to me, and I am therefore more protective about sharing it, and having it critiqued.

Maybe it's the fact that I have a personal relationship with my music, and I like to keep it to myself.

Maybe it's the perfectionist is me, and I never feel like my music is good enough.

Whatever it is, I suffer from an extreme degree of performance anxiety.

I shake and start sweating every time I pick up my guitar in front of someone. I still get nervous when I rehearse with Cary, and he's been there with me since day one.

It took practically 6 months in the making, but my good friend Jeremy hooked me up with his good friend Bobby who has a recording studio in his apartment in Hollywood. After a few months of trying to find a date to record, Bob finally had an open spot this past Sunday.

I woke up extremely anxious. Jeremy texted me saying the recording session might be canceled and to be honest, I almost felt relieved. I didn't want to go record my music, anyway.

Nathan was a trooper and he dealt with my moody ass. He was really supportive and worked with me on getting over my anxiety.

I got another text from Jeremy saying the recording session was on for 3 pm.

I feel silly now looking back at how emotional and nervous I was. The recording session was beyond amazing.

Bob was intensely kind and made me feel right at home in his home and studio. He let me play one one of his guitars since he had everything already set up and ready for me to record acoustic. It took a bit of getting used to hearing myself sing through the headphones, but it really was an amazing experience.

I messed up a few times on the first 2 songs cause I was still getting over my anxiety and getting used to the headphones, but I nailed the second two songs on the first time. Jeremy and Bob were both impressed with my voice and my music, which I took as a GREAT compliment. I think it also settled some nerves.

Cary came with me, and he was being surprisingly supportive. He was in the recording studio with me the entire time, comforting and encouraging me. He even stayed with me during my warm up session to get used to the set up.

After Bob burned us a CD with our four songs on it, I walked out of his apartment pumped, refreshed, encouraged, and stoked. Hearing myself sing through the speakers was weird the first time through, but when I listened to it again, I'm proud of myself for overcoming my anxiety.

Now it's time to share my music. And continue making more.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yoga first, 4-mile run second

I did it. I fucking did it. I ran 4 miles. I've never ran 4 miles in my life. The entire time I felt sick and I got crampy... but I manipulated my body and told it to suck it up! I ran 4 miles, non stop.

Needless to day, I am super proud of myself.

Before the run, I decided to go to the yoga class at LA Fitness.. I figured it would be a great way to warm up. Plus I used to do yoga every week and I haven't been a LONG time.

Whoa. Yoga fucking kicked my ass.

The last time I did legitimate yoga was in November when I was doing Vozdu. After the company started charging $25 a class, I stopped going.

Going to yoga last night reminded me of how much I love and missed it. I felt like shit cause I lost a lot of upper body strength and couldn't do some of the poses as well as I used to. I used to be able to hold myself up during plank no problem... last night I was dropping to the ground and resting. :( Not okay.

But it is okay in the end. I will fix it. Last night's yoga class just motivated me to get back into it. And apparently, according to a couple of women, I didn't do so bad.

At the end of the class, the lady next to me asked how long have I been practicing yoga.

"Your transitions were so smooth and graceful. You were great!" she said to me.

I was taken aback. I told her that I haven't done yoga in 8 months and that her words were a huge compliment. She laughed and said that when she couldn't see the teacher, she just watched me because I was so good. I bashfully laughed and thanked her again, saying that I feel out of shape and I used to be much better.

The Yoga instructor, Kim (who is beyond fabulous, btw) came up to me and complimented me too! WHAT THE FUCK?

I think the compliments helped me finish the 4 mile run later. Every time I felt like quitting, I thought of the women's compliments and they pumped me up.

I also thought of Nate and the encouraging words he said to me before the run.

That's a lie. I really thought of kicking his ass on the Nike+plus website. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Biggest challenge yet

I hate running. It's boring, it hurts my knees, I'm slow and I get side-cramps.

So I've decided to enter into Santa Clarita Valley's half marathon in November.

I enjoy challenging myself. I strongly believe that you get more out of life if you do things that might suck, might be difficult, or might even hurt.

Running this marathon will be a bigger challenge to me than quitting smoking. But since its been almost 2 months without nicotine, running should come a bit easier, and I'm hoping that I will enjoy it more.

I'm doing everything possible to keep me motivated. I invested in the Nike+ system to keep track of everything I do.

The red oval thing you see is the sensor. You place it in your shoe as it will track every step. The doohickie on the right is the thing you attach to your iPod Nano. Investment: $30.

I also bought a special Nike+ armband for my Nano.
How can you go running without an armband, right? Investment: $30.

I also bought new shoes.  My Addidas shoes are worn out and have holes in them.Since I just invested in the Nike+ system, I've decided to invest in a pair of good Nike shoes made for the system. Nike now makes shoes that have a specific are to place the sensor in the shoe.

I bought a pair of Nike Pegasus shoes. Investment: $70. (They were on sale!)

Nathan has also decided to run the half marathon with me, and as an experiences runner, I'm excited to have him there for support and encouragement. Of course, because he's an Aries, he's also gonna try to compete with me... I'll have to let him win so he can keep his manhood and pride. :)

Once you track your work out with your sensor, you plug in your iPod into your computer and it will send all the information to the Nike+ website.

The website has a ton of features. I signed up for a half marathon coaching program where it instructs me on what to do everyday. Today, for example, I have to run 4 miles. I've never run 4 miles in my life. The most I've ever ran without stopping is 3 miles. And that was hard, mostly because I get so bored.

But I will not succumb! I will run 4 miles today! I'm going to Yoga at 8 pm tonight to stretch out and warm up, and then I'm going to grab the 4-mile run by the balls and conquer it.

The website also lets you set up goals. I set up a goal to burn 4,000 calories in 4 weeks. Every time my iPod sends the website information, it will update my goals automatically.

Apparently I'm already behind my goal since the tracker disburses the burned calories evenly over the 4 weeks. But I'm hoping that I will catch up tonight with my 4-mile run.

The Nike+ website even lets you create a little Nike+Mini character to help you motivate yourself. My character is currently playing video games and saying things like "I'm a couch potato," which pisses me off. I'll show you, you little brat!

Music is obviously a big motivator too. As I listen to music at work, I've been creating playlists. I also have PodRunner which is a free podcast with running music designed at certain speeds. Best of Bootie songs are also great running songs. I just need songs with solid beats that'll keep me pumped up. The Nike+ system also has a feature where you get set your "Powersong," a song that plays when you need a boost. This is beyond the best feature. With a click of a button, your powersong will start playing if you feel like you're bored or tired or over it. I foresee this saving my runs on multiple occasions. My current powersong: Nickelback's Burn It To The Ground.

Don't judge me. Butt rock is good to run to. :)

Other features that I didn't mention about the Nike+ system: Your iPod will talk to you while you're running. It will periodically update you on how long you've been running for, the distance, and the pace. It will also inform you of the half way point (if you set a goal).

Instead of dreading running like I used to, I look forward to it now. All the new technology available will help to keep me motivated.

Who knows, maybe by November, I'll be a converted runner and sign up for a full Marathon.

Hey ... anything is possible.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mario remakes are the best

I watched this at Peet's Coffee in Valencia and I busted up laughing. I love it when I get stares in public.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I like being among the stars

My endless ambition and interest in the world drives me. I want to do so much.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Garage sale

I'm putting on a much needed garage sale on July 24. I've been putting things aside for a garage sale since 2003. Sad,  I know... but I had three bags of clothes in 2003 and I wasn't going to organize an entire garage sale for some jeans and some T-shirts.

Nathan teased me about basically planning this garage sale since 2003. Talk about being a procrastinator. It took me getting a degree from college to finally organize this sale. My mom should be so proud. *tear*

I've been cleaning out the house, bit-by-bit, since spring began. I didn't realize I was such a pack-rat. I have kept some of the silliest items.

Photos of people I barely spoke to in middle school and high school, for example. Play-dough. Plastic jewelry (I actually wore this shit?). Shoelaces. Candles (I used to collect them). And so on.

I think I have every photo Stephanie ever ordered from a professional photographer. One of her and her sister. Of her and her freshman prom date, her junior prom date, her senior prom date.

I also found every diary I have ever written in. My first one was in 1995. Ten years old and already writing about how much I hated stupid people. HA! I guess I was destined to be a writer.

At first I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough to put on a garage sale again, but fear not my friends! I have plenty of garbage to sell to the vultures that frequent garage sales.

And actually, some of the things are awesome AND in good condition. They're just not my type no more. :) I'm hoping to come out of it with $400.

In the meantime, I still have some more family treasure to go through in the house and backyard, which is dangerous for my family since I am ready to sell everything. There are five adults living in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house -- it's time to put the house on a "possession diet" and tone up.

That way, we'll have room for more useless shit!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I like

Awesome Polish film posters

A co-worker of mine who is half Polish sent me this link about movie posters that were commissioned by Poland during the communist era. It's a good read, and don't forget to check out the posters! Below are a few of my favs.


Friday, July 2, 2010

America has the best medical insurance! Trust me, I know!

I like to consider myself as a pretty intelligent person, but there are certain things that I have a hard some fully understanding. Math and taxes are two such things. And health insurance is another.

I'm a bit of hypochondriac, but I hate going to see a health professional. It's not so much the gynecologist sticking things in my vagina or a male doctor putting his cold stethoscope on my bare chest that bothers me. It's the before and after I cannot stand, and I thus try to avoid going to the doctor's at all times.

Before you even see the health professional, you have to sign in, wait, fill out some paperwork, wait, read through shitty, outdated magazines about pregnant women or babies, wait, be subjected to the unpleasant smell of the sterile air and old people, and then wait some more.

I went to U.S. Health Works off of Soledad Canyon Road early last year because I felt the oncomings of strep throat. I waited in the waiting room for 3 fucking hours. How long did I see the doctor for? A whole 10 minutes. That's bullshit. And all he did was take a swab of my tonsils for a test that takes 4 minutes. Why can't I do this at home? If I can administer a pregnancy test, I should be able to administer one of these puppies on my throat. I wouldn't even have to pull down my pants or pee all over myself.

The kicker to this situation was that the doctor misdiagnosed me. He said that I didn't have strep but I had tonsilitus. He put me on some antibiotics and as soon as I was done with them, I got strep throat. Awesome.


After you leave the health institution with your prescription and a better attitude since you now know you're not dying, the bill comes in the mail and you instantly have the desire to strangle someone and/or blow something up.

At least that's what happened to be at the end of last year.

I went to get my annual vagina check-up last year around July. This was the first time I would have my vagina looked at without my UCI insurance. Since I moved back home to Castiac, I decided to "ThinkSCV" and look into a place close by instead of going where my mom goes out in Verdugo Hills.

I found Valencia Gynocology Associates located on Smith Drive across from Valencia High School. They take the insurance I get through work. Sweet deal.

I made an appointment, the doctor did her thang, and I was out, happy as a clam. I requested to do the slew of STD testing as well, cause I'm safe like that. Some STD tests require blood, so she had me go next door to get my blood drawn. Because it was a long wait and I had to go to work, they told me that I could come back whenever to get my blood drain. Sweet! So I left.

I didn't come back until November to get my blood drawn. They took my blood, I told them it was for STD tests and a pregnancy test (why not?) and that I had come earlier in the year for a pap-smear.

A couple weeks go by and I get a bill in the mail from Providence St. Joseph's Medical Center.

Hmm. I've never been a patient there.

I open it up. It says I owe them $430.

WHAT THE FUCK? For what?

Of course I don't understand the codes and whatnot on the bill so I start calling up my insurance, Valencia Gynocology, and this hospital. I tell them that this is absolutely ridiculous cause I went in for an annual check up and that this was all PREVENTATIVE CARE. I didn't need to go in. I wasn't sick. I went to make sure I was good (which I am. Holla). How can they charge me $430 for having a cold metal rod shoved up my pussy and taking my blood?

Apparently they messed up on the coding and they should have sent it under another name suggesting this was preventative. *WHEW* So Valencia Gynecology re-sent the hospital a fresh bill with the right codes.

I get a letter in the mail 2 weeks ago from my insurance. Now I owe $769.35.

How can this be possible? I do not understand. And this boils my blood almost as much as Sarah Palin.

I'm now calling each ass-raping company involved (Valencia Gyno, my shitty insurance company, and the hospital I've never stepped foot into) and requesting EVERY PIECE OF DOCUMENTATION they have under my name.

I refuse to pay that much money for preventative care. It is beyond ridiculous.

The absolutely worse part about this? I was (and still am) a student as College of the Canyons and have health insurance there. I could have gotten everything done FOR FREE.

Sometimes, I can be so fucking stupid. Serves me right, I guess. Now I get to struggle and fight this. Yay.

So, thank you, America, for your current health care system. It sure is one of the best in the world.

Cleaning out the house ...

And by house I mean my external hard drive.

Some of the files on that thing are ridiculous. Files from school (from 2003!), financial aid information, photos (from high school!) and of course music.

I had iTunes organize my music folder on my hard drive a few months ago and I didn't really understand what it did. It threw my music into random folders. It was supposed to make my life easier, but it only confused me.

I didn't bother reorganizing it since I knew I was going to get a MacBookPro soon. I told myself I would organize my music when I did.

Last night was the first opportunity for me to do so. Holy moo balls. It took me an hour to go through and organize just all the bands I have that begins with the letter A. lol. This is going to be a long process.

I'm excited though. Nathan hooked me up with a great downloading website where you get quality files. I already started a list of albums to download.

And with my fast-ass internet at home, I'm going to get anything I want!

Oh the power of technology.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I pity the fool.

"Wise men never argue with fools, because people from a distance can't tell who is who."