Thursday, March 10, 2011

If I ruled America

I used to look at America as a "land of opportunity," as cliche as that sounds. My parents escaped communism in Poland in the 1980s and made a new life for themselves here.

My parents started their own businesses and raised three children. My mother's dream was to put her three children through college (which came true). The rest was up to us.

Fast forward to today and I don't see American as a land of opportunity anymore. Graduating from college doesn't guarantee anything. There are plenty of talented, skilled, and educated people out there living off of unemployment or working a mindless job in an unrelated field.

Oh the irony. My parents now fear for our futures in America.

My brother and I are looking to buy land in Poland to develop at a future time since land (for the moment) is cheap and it'll be a place for us to have just in case shit really hits the fan in the good ol' US of A. And if that doesn't work out, my aunt  (when she dies) is leaving her apartment us since she has no kids.

The older I get, the more I learn how fucked up this world is. Everything is revolved around money. Capitalism doesn't value people, it values money. And it doesn't matter what happens, people will put money above all else.

Money controls things that it shouldn't control: elections, who can get married, education, etc.

If I was dictator, I would change the following things about America.

1. The use of all fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas.)
2. Get rid of the Federal Reserve.
3. Take away personhood from all for-profit corporations (corporations are not people, fuckheads. I still can't believe the Supreme Court passed this shit.)
4. Special-interests, lobbyists, and for-profit corporations control government would be illegal.
5. National internet infrastructure would be available (and free) for all Americans.
6. Eliminate for-profit corporations from all aspects of health care.
7. Let anybody get married to anybody else(sexual orientation is nobody’s business). No benefits of citizenship or law should be related to whether a person is married or not.
8. All religious institutions should be taxed.
9. All elections would be publicly funded (no contributions allowed). And election campaigns would only last a few months.
10. Voting would be mandatory.

Oh it's all just a dream! None of this will ever happen.

Not until we have another American revolution. Which I believe will happen.

I just hope its within my lifetime. I want to be a part of it.


Jamie said...

This reminds me of a Twitter bot I found today where "Joseph McCarthy" just retweets communist-y tweets and calls 'em red. Hilarious.

Don't let the USA get you down. THERE IS NO UTOPIA AND THERE NEVER WILL BE. No place is perfect. The goal is to make your lot in life the best you can, and hopefully make life more sparkly for others around you. Peaceonearth.

Jamie said...

I forgot to include the link: @RedScareBot

Jamie said...

And P.S. I didn't mean you shouldn't want something better. If you wanna fight, you fight girl. Just don't get TOO down about it... history's been a constant struggle for the same things. <3