Monday, March 7, 2011

Long overdue

This is long overdue. altSCV has been out for 5 weeks now, but I didn't publish this post I wrote about the launch party because I was waiting for some photos.

Here it is now:


In addition to publishing an alternative magazine, another dream of mine recently came true.

I went bowling in prom dress.

Susan and I have been talking about organizing a SCV-Twitter-crew-prom-bowling night for a few months now, and which the launch of an alternative publication, we thought what better way to celebrate than to combine the two?

And thus, the altSCV Launch/SCVTwitter Crew meet up Prom Bowling Night was born.

I've been wanting to go bowling in formal attire since my senior prom in 2003.

I always get nervous about organizing silly events like this becuase I question whether people will actually participate. It's easy to say "I'm down!" but when it comes down to it, people tend to flake.

I shall never doubt my SCV peeps again.

A group of us met at 5 Guys for dinner before bowling, and everyone was dressed up and looking smooth as all hell.

After our delicious meal, we quickly scurried to the bowling alley where four lanes were anxiously waiting for a party of 15 very well dressed people.

There were top hats, gloves and flowing gowns. There were strikes, spares and gutter balls. There were donuts, beer and Jack Daniel's. there was even a SpongeBob Square Pants pinata.

Total #win


Mike Mallinson said...

That looks fecking awesome - I'm sorry we couldn't make it! The mag kicks ass, though - I haven't gotten to read it for two weeks because the wife steals it from me before I leave town!!

Jamie said...

I like the way you're handling that ball... like someone with some experience. You look pretty too :)

ScottE said...

Just for the record..the distinguished Gentleman in the Top Hat is sporting a REAL silk Bow Tie ... the kind you have to tie.

Carry on.
