Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Biggest challenge yet

I hate running. It's boring, it hurts my knees, I'm slow and I get side-cramps.

So I've decided to enter into Santa Clarita Valley's half marathon in November.

I enjoy challenging myself. I strongly believe that you get more out of life if you do things that might suck, might be difficult, or might even hurt.

Running this marathon will be a bigger challenge to me than quitting smoking. But since its been almost 2 months without nicotine, running should come a bit easier, and I'm hoping that I will enjoy it more.

I'm doing everything possible to keep me motivated. I invested in the Nike+ system to keep track of everything I do.

The red oval thing you see is the sensor. You place it in your shoe as it will track every step. The doohickie on the right is the thing you attach to your iPod Nano. Investment: $30.

I also bought a special Nike+ armband for my Nano.
How can you go running without an armband, right? Investment: $30.

I also bought new shoes.  My Addidas shoes are worn out and have holes in them.Since I just invested in the Nike+ system, I've decided to invest in a pair of good Nike shoes made for the system. Nike now makes shoes that have a specific are to place the sensor in the shoe.

I bought a pair of Nike Pegasus shoes. Investment: $70. (They were on sale!)

Nathan has also decided to run the half marathon with me, and as an experiences runner, I'm excited to have him there for support and encouragement. Of course, because he's an Aries, he's also gonna try to compete with me... I'll have to let him win so he can keep his manhood and pride. :)

Once you track your work out with your sensor, you plug in your iPod into your computer and it will send all the information to the Nike+ website.

The website has a ton of features. I signed up for a half marathon coaching program where it instructs me on what to do everyday. Today, for example, I have to run 4 miles. I've never run 4 miles in my life. The most I've ever ran without stopping is 3 miles. And that was hard, mostly because I get so bored.

But I will not succumb! I will run 4 miles today! I'm going to Yoga at 8 pm tonight to stretch out and warm up, and then I'm going to grab the 4-mile run by the balls and conquer it.

The website also lets you set up goals. I set up a goal to burn 4,000 calories in 4 weeks. Every time my iPod sends the website information, it will update my goals automatically.

Apparently I'm already behind my goal since the tracker disburses the burned calories evenly over the 4 weeks. But I'm hoping that I will catch up tonight with my 4-mile run.

The Nike+ website even lets you create a little Nike+Mini character to help you motivate yourself. My character is currently playing video games and saying things like "I'm a couch potato," which pisses me off. I'll show you, you little brat!

Music is obviously a big motivator too. As I listen to music at work, I've been creating playlists. I also have PodRunner which is a free podcast with running music designed at certain speeds. Best of Bootie songs are also great running songs. I just need songs with solid beats that'll keep me pumped up. The Nike+ system also has a feature where you get set your "Powersong," a song that plays when you need a boost. This is beyond the best feature. With a click of a button, your powersong will start playing if you feel like you're bored or tired or over it. I foresee this saving my runs on multiple occasions. My current powersong: Nickelback's Burn It To The Ground.

Don't judge me. Butt rock is good to run to. :)

Other features that I didn't mention about the Nike+ system: Your iPod will talk to you while you're running. It will periodically update you on how long you've been running for, the distance, and the pace. It will also inform you of the half way point (if you set a goal).

Instead of dreading running like I used to, I look forward to it now. All the new technology available will help to keep me motivated.

Who knows, maybe by November, I'll be a converted runner and sign up for a full Marathon.

Hey ... anything is possible.

1 comment:

N8I said...

Let me win my ass!

I am proud of you! You will get better, faster and get rid of those cramps! Make sure you a drinking water through-out the day.

Hydration love!