Sunday, July 11, 2010

Garage sale

I'm putting on a much needed garage sale on July 24. I've been putting things aside for a garage sale since 2003. Sad,  I know... but I had three bags of clothes in 2003 and I wasn't going to organize an entire garage sale for some jeans and some T-shirts.

Nathan teased me about basically planning this garage sale since 2003. Talk about being a procrastinator. It took me getting a degree from college to finally organize this sale. My mom should be so proud. *tear*

I've been cleaning out the house, bit-by-bit, since spring began. I didn't realize I was such a pack-rat. I have kept some of the silliest items.

Photos of people I barely spoke to in middle school and high school, for example. Play-dough. Plastic jewelry (I actually wore this shit?). Shoelaces. Candles (I used to collect them). And so on.

I think I have every photo Stephanie ever ordered from a professional photographer. One of her and her sister. Of her and her freshman prom date, her junior prom date, her senior prom date.

I also found every diary I have ever written in. My first one was in 1995. Ten years old and already writing about how much I hated stupid people. HA! I guess I was destined to be a writer.

At first I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough to put on a garage sale again, but fear not my friends! I have plenty of garbage to sell to the vultures that frequent garage sales.

And actually, some of the things are awesome AND in good condition. They're just not my type no more. :) I'm hoping to come out of it with $400.

In the meantime, I still have some more family treasure to go through in the house and backyard, which is dangerous for my family since I am ready to sell everything. There are five adults living in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house -- it's time to put the house on a "possession diet" and tone up.

That way, we'll have room for more useless shit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll start to get my crap together. I don't think I'll be actually able to make it to the day of the sale as I'll be working and my boss and his wife are having a party for their wedding anniversary. Can I just bring stuff over sometime with labels and you sell for me? What's your cut? I'll do the colored sticker thing.