Thursday, September 10, 2009

Festivals to do list

When I'm down, depressed and hating my life, I dive into the world of the Web and find things I'd be interested in doing.

Sometimes it depresses me even more since I know I will never be able to actually do them... but it still lifts my spirits at the possibility of me going.

Here are a few festivals that I want to attend before I die.

1. Tomatina

What: About 30,000 people descend on a little town to participate in the world’s largest food fight mostly using tomatoes. Never had that massive cafeteria food fight when you were younger?

When: The last Wednesday in August.

Where: The tiny town of Buñol in the Valencia region of Spain

2. Burning Man

What: An 8 day festival that culminates in the burning of a 72ft wooden man, this festival is where you can cut loose. Each year has a theme and last year 47,000 people decided to join the fun.

Photo by colvid daorado

When: Starts 8 days before the American Labor Day, September

Where: Blackrock Desert, Nevada USA

3. Bay to Breakers (I was supposed to go to this this year)

What: It’s supposed to be a 7 mile foot race but instead it’s a 7 mile costume party and keg race that goes through downtown San Francisco. It began in 1906 to keep people’s sprits up after the earthquake and locals are still keeping that alive. Over 70,000 people, congregate downtown in costumes (or nothing at all) and shopping carts filled with kegs.

Photo by weylandphoto

When: The third Sunday in May.

Where: San Francisco, California

4. Mardi Gras

What: You know what

When: Around Ash Wednesday

Where: Louisiana

5. Oktoberfest (the real one. I've been to the one at Alpine Village)


What: Beer beer beer beer and more beer

When: Around September 18 to October 3

Where: Germany



Jamie said...

I don't doubt that you'll make it to all of these. The nice thing is that all it takes is an opportunity, and you're always open to opportunities. Dream journal!

Rob said...

Not sure if I'm brave enough for Burning Man, but Tomatina sounds like fun.