Thursday, February 25, 2010

Grumpy pants

I woke up in a funk today. No reason for it, really. Nothing concrete at least. There are a few things that are minuscule but slowly building up. My expectations are not being met. I tend not to expect much in the first place, and so when the little expectations that I do have are not met, I get a little annoyed.

One of which is me. I, being a Gemini with a rising Aries, am particularly hard on myself. I am currently not happy and feel like I need to do something.

One of the more pressing annoyances is work and how little I get paid. It's bullshit. How does someone get promoted without receiving a raise? So janky.

So I went and read about what the universe has to say about all of this. This is what she had to say:

"The Full moon (Feb. 28) falls in your 4th house of home, family, and property issues. This could be an emotional full moon for you as the moon falls at the bottom of your chart and squares your sun. Difficulties on the home front or within your family could result. Someone may be hypercritical or hard to please. It’s possible that you’re left disappointed about something at work, which could include finances or employee benefits. Whatever develops may take until March 2 before the energy subsides."

Yep. Thought so.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

March 2nd isn't far away!