Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How twitter enriched my life

I've always been a skeptic at heart. I'm never one to jump on the bandwagon, and in fact, I usually resist until someone (or something) convinces me otherwise.

This was the case with twitter.

After livejournal, friendster, myspace, facebook, linkedin, and some other networking websites I had joined, I had enough. I didn't want another user name. I didn't want another password. I didn't want another addiction.

No, I will not get a twitter account.

Then I accompanied Nathan to a "tweet-up" where local twitter users met one another at a local restaurant and hung out.

Everyone busted out name tags and wrote their twitter names on them. I didn't have a twitter so my name tag lacked the @ sign. I felt left out and out of place. I was on my break from work (I was a copy editor at the time) so I had to leave early, but I left with the deep desire to get to know these people. The energy these people were exuding was addicting, and I wanted to infiltrate the group and be around that energy. Within the hour I sat with these strangers, I was determined to make them my friends.

So I got myself a Twitter account.

A year has passed since I've signed up and the people I have met through twitter have enriched my life to such an unimaginable degree. I thought moving back home was going to suck the soul outta me and I would hate my life. Instead, I have found a core group of people who have added such flavor to SCV that I have a hard time imagining leaving it now.

Without the friends I've made through twitter, I wouldn't have ...

... become a coffee snob.
... started my side business.
... known where to start when it comes to buying/leasing cars.
... become a food truck junkie.
... experienced a Sandwich Train.
... seen free concerts and theatre plays.
... become interested in biking.
... joined the Apple cult.
... gained so much random knowledge through Trivia nights.
... taste tested a variety of goodies from local businesses.
... received all the free shit I got through Yelp.

There is so much more; these are just the ones that come to mind at the moment.

The best part? I get to create more memories with these people in the near future. Sandwich train part two is this weekend. We have a hockey night planned in December. We're even considering a Thanksgiving Pot Luck because... well... because we're family.

I guess I owe twitter a thank you card for introducing me to some of the most loving, caring, genuine, and interesting people I've ever met.

Thanks, twitter. I owe ya.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

And you can also let us all know at the same time when you're hungry. :-)