Sunday, November 7, 2010

Typography Project 2

This project was hell in a pancake.

Each student was assigned a font to study. We had to learn the given font inside and out. Each curve. Each point. Everything.

Then we had to hand draw portions of 9 characters; portions that make the assigned font unique.

I was assigned Caslon Pro, which happens to be my professors all-time favorite font, evar.

I've never been good with drawing but I enjoy doing it. I absolutley hated this project though because we had to use caligraphy pens, and they are just a pain in the ass.

Every stroke had to be immaculate. If a drop of ink splashed on the canvas, you had to start over. I only started over once, but I probably should have done a third one. I ended up getting a B on the project, even though I thought I did a fantastic job (compared to my first one!)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You gotta frame all this shit when you're done with the class, haha. This work's something to be proud of. I haven't done something cool like this since my second-year photography class. Envious ;)