Monday, September 13, 2010

Victory is mine

A couple of months ago I wrote about how my medical insurance was trying to charge me for getting some preventative care.

If you don't remember, you can refresh your memory here.

Basically, at first they charged me $400something. I complained and they said they made a mistake and they would fix it and resend the bill.

The second bill landed at $700something. Awesome!

The good news? I don't have to pay diddly.

I sent 2 letters to them asking for an explanation of each charge and why I was getting slammed with such a high bill for preventative care. I even photocopied my insurance card where it says "All preventative care is covered 100%" and sent that to them, too.

They didn't send me an explanation. They just sent me a letter saying "Patient responsibility: $0."

Victory is mine!

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